How To Organize A Golf Tournament

As a tournament planner you need to plan in advance and how much in advance, is always a challenge. Your best bet is to plan about nine months in advance with a preliminary planning beginning say eight to in months in advance.

Decide early on why you are having the tournament and what purpose will it serve and if it is for the benefit of some charity you need to apply for the tournament charitable status.

Next about six months prior to the event you need to decide what kind of sponsors do you want and what kind of budget is required or rather how much of the budget you are willing to spend. The other time consuming items are creating a website, a must nowadays, getting a volunteer list and various other items with project planning a must on yours to do list.

Next comes the finalization of the event sponsors, designing of the logos, getting the invites list ready. The golf course evaluation and signing up needs to be completed say about four moths prior is to the event.

If you need to announce to the press then a press release will be needed or some form of advertisement channels need to be finalized. Another must is the golf tournament awards and you need to order them now to make sure that they are ready in time.

As you come close to the date then you need to think about registration of players and a cut off date for registration. In addition, you need to finalize the photographer for the event, also you would need to finalize the food /beverage arrangements and send confirmation notices to attendees or players.

With the nearing tournament date you have a few things you need to take care of like the pairings, review all course arrangements, go over you project plan, write an inaugural and a closing speech.

That is what in gist should be how you can plan a golf tournament.

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