Online Golf Schools – Can You Really Learn to Play Golf Online?

Are there really online golf schools which can teach you golf lessons for beginners? Not really, no. The best you can do is find step-by-step video instructions online. Fortunately, golf is very popular. There are actually several web-sites which offer quite comprehensive lessons. In the best of these, you might have the chance to interact with the instructor, either by phone, teleconference or email. The best of these may allow you to send them a digital video of your golf swing so that they can help you fix your problems. Obviously, the more services they provide, the more expensive the course will be. Make no mistake, these are just courses, not real schools.

Forget online golf schools. You are better off getting live golf lessons for beginners from your local golf school or golf instructor. If, for some reason, you do not want to do this, then invest in good golf lessons on video. It would also be a good idea if you read some golf books to pick up the rules and theory of golf. Make sure you know the perfect golf swing mechanics before you start swinging the club. Take notes as you read the books and watch the videos. Then spend some time at the range to practice hitting the ball. You will not master the perfect golf swing techniques immediately, but as long as you practice a lot and remain fully aware of how you are swinging the club, you will get there eventually. Some amateur golfers have followed this route of self-training, hitting the 90s in just one year of intense solo practice.

If you cannot get decent golf lessons for beginners locally, then save up for a golf vacation package. Get a package which has intense lessons – lessons in the morning, then a few rounds of real golf in the afternoon. Most beginners find that they learn best with a live instructor. It is easier for you to get feedback on any obvious and serious mistakes. In the more exclusive golf vacation packages, there may only be a few students, so you will get nearly personalized instruction. Do not underestimate the value of this near one-on-one learning experience. Of course, if you only want to brush up your game, a budget golf vacation package taken off peak periods might also do the trick.

Remember to invest in properly fitted golf clubs. These will repay your investment many times over. A set of clubs which are wrong for you – wrong flex, too long or too short, wrong-sized grips, etc. – can cause you to stumble along with slices and hooks sending your score into the 100s. If you cannot afford the full set, then make do with fewer clubs, as long as those clubs are properly fitted. Get training grips for your golf clubs as well – these will help you learn how to grip the golf club correctly. It is better to start your training with some old style blade irons. They have small sweet spots and give you quick and immediate feedback when you execute your golf swing techniques incorrectly. They are fairly cheap to get second-hand, too. Once you achieve some basic competence in your golf swing mechanics, you may like to invest in Medicus training clubs. If you follow the instructions properly, they will further help you to perfect your golf swing.

Finally, practice, practice, practice. Practice your short games – putts and chips – every free moment you get. Practice your swing every chance you get on to the range. Remember that the lifeblood of golf is the short game, so make sure your putter and wedges become your best friends on and off the golf course. Champions like Vijay Singh spend 8 hours hitting the ball everyday. Even the supremely talented Tiger Woods spends hours on his practise. If you cannot even spend 10 minutes everyday with your clubs, then you may as well give up golf.

As you can see, online golf schools do not really exist. The best you can do is interactive online golf lessons for beginners. Although you can pick up the perfect golf swing techniques on your own (as some famous professionals have achieved), most amateur golfers find great value in getting lessons from a living, breathing golf instructor. And never forget the value of having properly-fitted golf clubs.

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