Golf Driving Tips – Driving Tips For You to Play Like a Pro

Golfers are always on the lookout for tips and hints to help them to lower their handicap (the number of shots required to complete a round of golf) which will help them to win more games. Often these come in the form of golf driving tips, if you play golf and could do with some help with your driving here are a few tips that you might want to consider –

• Make sure you are gripping the golf club correctly – this is an area that lets many golfers down, hold your club too hard and you will not be able to control it properly, hold it too loosely and the same applies.

• Concentrate – loss of concentration as you swing the club will lead to missed shots and increase your frustration.

• Maintain your balance – swinging too far back or forward will move your centre of gravity and lead to you losing your balance which will make you either miss the shot totally or tee off in the wrong direction.

• Use the right club – using a club that is too heavy or light can make you lose your balance and ruin your chances of driving well.

• Check your posture – posture is so important in golf and it is crucial that you ensure that you are relaxed yet sturdy and are not curving your back, keep your back straight and knees bent and you will be in the perfect position to play at your best.

If you follow these few golf driving tips you will be sure to improve your game in no time and lower your handicap in the process. Remember as with any sport, if you want to succeed in golf practise is the key so get out on that course and start to try these tips today and you will not be disappointed.

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