Golf Putting Tips For Beginners

First and foremost, the most important club in your golf bag is your putter. It’s the one you’ll use most during every round of golf you play (unless you forget it at home). This is the reason you should focus on the right golf putting tips to improving your putting if you want to start playing your best golf.

Many golfers are under the false impression that putting is a difficult skill and is only mastered by the top players in the world. Yes, the pros do make it look easy. However, the skills that the pros have learned throughout their years that have made them so good are the same as the ones you too can learn.

Here are some time-tested golf putting tips that will help you improve in this area:

Use only one ball when you practice. The more you make your practice like your time out on the course, the better you’ll preform when you’re out there for real. Using one ball forces you to evaluate each putt as though it was counting towards your score. Instead of just putting ball after ball from the same area on the green, practicing this putting tip aids in your concentration because it is more like a real round.

Don’t let your wrists break down during the stroke. Keeping the palms of your hands facing each other in the grip will help, but won’t eliminate your wrists from breaking. You need to be conscious of keeping your wrists flat during the entire stroke. This will keep the putter face square to your target.

Relaxation is key! Remember to keep your muscles like Play-Doh. Soft and movable. Tense muscles do not move fluidly and create jerking during the putting stroke that can send your putt off in any direction. Focus on making your through stroke the same length (or longer) than your backstroke. This putting tip assures that you accelerate through the ball on the putt.

Let your shoulders do the work. Don’t rely on your wrists to make the stroke. Using your larger muscles to preform the stroke will produce much better results. Much to your spouse’s delight, practice on your carpet in the living room during the “off-season”. This enables you to practice daily and keeps the most important part of your game from getting rusty.

And most importantly – Have your putter fitted to you! Nearly all of the golf putting tips you learn will be in vein if you have to contort your body to use a putter that is not properly fitted to you. The small expense of having your putter custom fitted to your body and stroke, will pay off in huge dividends out on the course.

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