Golf Putting Tips – K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid

The way to have success on the putting greens is to remember to keep your system and routine as simple as possible. Putting is an entirely personal thing and I think that is the way that it should be. It should be your own style. There is really no right or wrong way on how to setup or stand over the ball. Then you have to try to keep all of the precise and mechanical thoughts out of the way. You want to think of the pace you want the ball to roll and how far right or left of the hole the ball should travel. You want to think of it this way; the object is to see how close you can come to the hole each time. One of the nice things about this is that, if the ball goes in, it is a bonus. If you have watched the sport over the years, you know that there have been very successful putters, with very radical styles. That tells you that you can do whatever is comfortable for you.

Here are some putting tips that should help you.

1.) You need to be relaxed and comfortable before you putt. If your body is tense and your arms are as stiff as boards and don’t forget all the other tensing up things that are done prior to hitting the ball, your success rate is not going to be very good. Stay relaxed…

2.) If you want to make more putts, you need to strike the ball in the middle of the putter face. You can usually hear and feel a solidly struck putt. This should be your #1 goal, to hit the ball in the middle of the putter face. By the way, a lot of putts miss because they were not hit in the middle of the clubface. Not because you picked the wrong line or speed.

3.) Try not to change your putting stroke to often, just try to hit the ball solidly each time.

4.) One of the main keys is your tempo – back and through. It doesn’t matter if your tempo is fast, slow or in between, just be consistent with it back and then through.

5.) Try not to get to anxious and see what the ball is doing, stay down and through the putt. Don’t PEEK. Chances are if you PEEKED, you probably watched another putt miss the cup. This is another reason putts miss, is because you get quick picking your head up. This will also cause you not to hit the ball squarely in the center of the putter face. Don’t forget, this is a very natural occurrence to want to see where the ball is going before it’s gone. Everybody has this problem even the pros. Try this, count to one after you strike the ball in order for you to remain down and through the putt.

If you watch Anika and Tiger, they could have a 5-10 ft putt, and their heads are barely coming up when the ball is going into the hole. That should tell you something right there. Keep that head down and the rest of the body will follow by also staying down. By following these guidelines and remember that the object is to see how close you can get the ball to the hole, and you should see improvement in your putting.

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