How to Improve With Your Driver – Golf Practice Tips

The driver is one of the most difficult golf clubs to hit in your golf bag. More golfers struggle to get off the tee in decent shape, than they do to get onto the green in decent shape. If you cannot get off the tee, then you are starting every single hole without giving yourself the best chance to score. Read on to learn more about hitting your driver.

There are some ways to improve your driver and to get off the tee in better shape. The first part of getting off the tee in good shape is your mental game. Too many golfers approach their drive in a way that does not give them a chance to put it in the fairway. They guard against the out of bounds or the trouble on one side or the other and when they do this they are mentally setting themselves up to put the ball exactly where they don’t want to go. You simply cannot be successful with your driver without first painting a mental image of the exact shot you want to hit.

Another thing that is very important to get off the tee is to avoid the overswing. It is hard to accomplish this because your friends are all going to make jokes and talk about who hit the ball further, but you don’t have to swing hard in order to hit the ball a long ways. It is much more important for you to make solid contact and put the ball in a playable position. In order to do this you have to learn to keep your swing under control.

The last tip for improving your driver is quite simple. You have to practice. You should go out to the driving range and hit golf ball after golf ball, but don’t just hit them. You need to practice as though you are on the golf course. Create a narrow fairway in your own mind on the driving range and try to stay in that fairway. Work on your line, your consistency, and your swing. The more you practice the better you will become with your driver.

Now you can start driving the ball longer and more consistent because you will have a perfect mental image of the shot you want to hit, you will consistently be able to swing under control, and due to your extensive practice you will be more consistent at achieving the results you want off the tee box.

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