How can I throw a golf ball 2 meters by starting with a push button by making a rube goldberg machine?

We have to start by pushing a button and then need these steps in it pouring a cup of water into another cup, raising an object 5 times its height and releasing it, any 10 second sequence, turn a light on, and throw a golf ball at least 2 meters into a container….also we can have any other steps inbetween those as long as we have those steps. no time limit.


One Response to “How can I throw a golf ball 2 meters by starting with a push button by making a rube goldberg machine?”
  1. dhh says:

    i did rube goldberg in high school…it was seriously the most fun thing ever….i can’t believe ur asking me for help….just be creative…there are plenty of things you can do….shooting the golfball is going to be tough…you will need a lot of force to do this…i would advise that whatever object you raise to five times its height you drop it on some sort of catapult to launch the golf ball….

    have fun…sorry i couldn’t be more helpful but that would ruin it for you

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