What education needed to get into the golf industry?

I’m an IT consultant for 4 years. And thinking Golf business is a way to go. Besides being an avid golfer, I also want to have a business in golf, such as in Custom Fitting center service and Golf Training facility. What education is require to make Golf as a living?


One Response to “What education needed to get into the golf industry?”
  1. sfox1_72 says:

    You may be better off with a golf franchise than with a traditional education program. You’ll pay a lot of money for the education that you could be investing in your business. Plus, the franchise teaches you how to do the work required to run the operation. If I were you, I’d research this industry by typing “golf franchise” into yahoo! Also, this article:

    talks about various options in golfing franchises.

    Good luck pursuing your dreams!

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