What is the best way to launch a golf ball 4.5 meters exactly using a mousetrap?

We are doing a project where we have to launch a plastic golf ball exactly 4.5 meters using a cheap $1.50 mousetrap and we are looking for suggestions as how to achieve exactly 4.5 meters.


2 Responses to “What is the best way to launch a golf ball 4.5 meters exactly using a mousetrap?”
  1. BigSexy says:

    Drill a hole in the golf ball and fill it with some material (sand, water, etc) to increase its weight. Of course you have to be able to tape up the hole afterwards so that whatever material you stuffed it with stays inside.

  2. Thomas C says:

    You can adjust the trajectory to achieve 4.5 meters.

    The formula is: distance = (v² sin 2Ф) ÷ g

    v is the initial velocity of the golf ball
    Ф is the launch angle
    g is the acceleration due to gravity

    A 45° launch angle produces the greatest distance. As long as you can get 4.5 meters (or more) with 45°, you can adjust the the launch angle to get the ball to land exactly at 4.5 meters. The trick is getting a consistent initial velocity and avoid veering to the left or right.

    30° and 60° will travel the same distance on the fly. The 60° angle just produces more of a lob. I suspect you have a bucket or other target to shoot for.

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