What does being quiet during golf going to make Tiger Woods play any better or worse?

Either you hit that golf ball right, or you don’t, and it goes where it goes, so what does being QUIET have to do with golf, and wouldn’t they play golf just as good or bad if there were talking, and clamor going on? It’s where the ball goes that is important, so what gives, even the announcer is practically whispering and when they clap, even the claps are subdued, WHY?


2 Responses to “What does being quiet during golf going to make Tiger Woods play any better or worse?”
  1. WyteTyger says:

    Its for concentration.

  2. Alicia says:

    yes for concentration i mean if a bunch of people were talking while your for example counting money taking a test it would be harder for you to do. same goes for golf they need it to be quiet to make the play

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