What kind of paint is used to paint the main groove on golf clubs?
Most golf clubs have at least one of the grooves painted white. I was wondering what kind of paint they use for that because I would like to repaint some of mine just to make the set look a little cleaner. Thanks!
why all of you consider about golf clubs??
why not golf balls?
Golf balls also need painted.
Paint is used for aesthetic purposes. It does make the club face look better but does not enhance the quality of the shot. If paint is in the grooves the grooves have less chance of grabbing the ball and exerting spin. It defeats the function of the grooves. Which would you rather have ? Good looking club faces of good golf shots ?
Try model enamel paint.
Typically, the groove paint is an enamel. Clean the metal well before painting it.
The best paint to use on golf clubs is enamel paint, but many golfers also use acrylic paints for their clubs. The most important thing to consider about golf club paints is their longevity.