where can I find flirty golf attire for a Golf Themed Bachelorette Party?
I am attending a Bachelorette Party and the Theme is Flirty Golf attire. I have been searching the web for cute argyle outfits, but coming up with nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions on where i can find a fun/funky golf attire outfit for this bash?
A quick tip is that tennis apparel thats super cute can be also worn for golf! You can always take a pleated short white skirt and pair it with a flirty pastel halter and wear a visor.
Try a sleeveless polo and skirt!
Or try a cute dress:?&lcode=cross_sales&cm_re=ws_cs_-top-_-top&cm_mmc=crosssell-_-ws-_-0-_-1
wear a short khaki skirt since i think you have to wear khakis when you golf or something.. well thats what its like here. and..#
or go to forever21.com then search argyle
It depends on how flirty you are willing to go.
Start off with a cute undergarment like this:
Add an argyle shirt like this:–1-SIZE_W0QQitemZ140295266545QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090117?IMSfp=TL090117112005r27447#ebayphotohosting
And wear a mini skirt this this:
If you want to be more conservative, try these:
Hope this helps, have a nice day!!
Have a look at for ladies golf clothing.
Ladies Golf Clothing:=&user1=&user2=
Triumph & Sloggi: