What is the most helpful tip you have received or given for golf?

I golf only 4-5 times per year….I can’t say that I am terrible but I could be better with more practice. I am golfing on Saturday and what tip is most important to remember?


14 Responses to “What is the most helpful tip you have received or given for golf?”
  1. thirsty mind says:

    It is all about the through swing. You MUST have a glide to your swing.

  2. Ben Guy says:

    This is going to sound simple, but if you don’t play often the best advice I can give you, is keep your head down. that truly is the most made mistake made from people that don’t play much or beginners.

  3. jducksgolf says:


  4. Nemo says:

    1) Don’t grip too hard
    2) Keep your head down (or don’t “stand” up while swinging)
    3) Swing nice and easy

  5. dendeedid says:

    Swing hard in case you hit the ball!

  6. iwasnotanazipolka says:

    Off the green, us a 7 or 8 iron and leave the pitching wedge in the bag. Learn the bump and run.

  7. d4 says:

    Just feel it.

  8. perfectmrgreen says:

    keep your back straight and butt out

  9. FatKid says:

    I’ve said this before… Just hit the ball, let the club do the work. Grip, stance, club, all that don’t mean a thing if you don’t make contact.


  10. Frank P says:

    Hit the ball short and controlled rather than long and wayward.

  11. Mizer says:

    If you only golf 4-5 times a year, I imagine you won’t hit too many greens in regulation. I would suggest heading to the range and working on shots from 50 yards & closer……ie., the short game. Pitching & chipping accurately is a good way to save strokes. I’d also suggest practicing your putting…..specifically concentrating on controlling the distance of your putts. If you can avoid 3 putts, that’s another good way to save strokes.

  12. ConnorWilhem3 says:

    The best tip I ever got and one that works RIGHT away is a David Toms putting tip.

    I don’t play much either, but this tip worked immediately. On the practice green before the round, you estimate in your head how many seconds you think a ball will take to roll to the hole. Count out loud while scanning the path from the ball to the hole: “one-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand, four-one thousand…” until the ball gently rolls PAST the hole.

    Then while you hit the putt, set up correctly, don’t move your head and make a couple practice strokes. When you make the putt, start counting.

    This will help distance control greatly. People will also admire your putting and remember you for that.

    For someone who doesn’t play much, the best tip is to pick up your ball if other people are waiting on you. Drop your ball on the green and just have fun putting. If you make 8 or more shots on ONE hole you’re going to hold people up. “Pace of play” is more important to golfers than manners or etiquette.

  13. Vegas Matt says:

    The best advice I ever heard was,”Don’t take playing advice from people on the internet.”

  14. johnny D says:

    I consider all tips helpfull. Some of these tips apply to others
    more than myself. Define your problem areas then search for
    tips. You will find help for all your troubles on the golf course,
    most of them free. Study the fundamentals; like keep your head down , eyes on the ball; correct club selection.etc etc.
    Most important I play every chance I get. Practice on my lunch hour read magizines watch golf channel. Good luck.

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