How to play high school golf during schoolyear?

I made the golf team at my school, and I am a good golfer, I’m a 6 handicap. The problem is that ever since school started, I have been playing worse and worse. I don’t have a car, so I cant get anywhere to practice on off days, and also I can’t warm up before a match. What do you suggest that I do in order to play better golf?


8 Responses to “How to play high school golf during schoolyear?”
  1. juicyproots says:

    what are you? a freshman?

  2. ConnorWilhem3 says:

    Get lessons from a teacher specializing on lower handicappers. You’re probably doing something really small and hardly noticeable. I had the same problem.

    Most teachers will give you a trial lesson for free so you can see what they’re like.

  3. boredatwork383 says:

    Ask your parents to take you on the weekend. How hard can that be.

  4. nick i says:

    i have the same problem, the stress of school and sports is too much. You just need to relax and focus on making each shot, if you hit a bad one, forget it and hit another one. don’t worry about what you’re on pact to shoot or how you feel, just let it come naturally. Also, trying streching and heavy breathing to help you stay loose. GOOD LUCK.

  5. Ted P says:

    The nearest golf course to me is 32 miles away. I bought a piece of indoor outdoor carpet and a “no bogey putting cup.” it’s helped lower my score. Get a “shag bag” with some practice balls. Use your wedges at a school or park. You can even chip short shots at cans in your back yard. Good luck.

  6. wahiv4 says:

    Ask one of the older kids to drive you to tournaments and to practice with them

  7. ak_az_vm says:

    Here is a golf school that has some great golf tips. They have video, animation and other types of golf tips. Since you can’t get out to practice, maybe you will be able to find some tips online that will help.

    Hope this helps!

  8. equestrian/golfer/doglover says:

    The best thing to do is find a older buddy on the golf team to coach you and take you to the course. I did that this summer and I got in a lot more playing/ practice time. Sometimes it’s hard to know why something isn’t working but when someone can watch you it helps. My golf friend told me to swing 50x a day with a wood and iron at home. This creates muscle memory and you’ll feel more comfortable with your swing. The range may seem boring but hit it almost every other day, the time is well spent when the scores begin drop.

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