Is playing golf safe for a person with minor back problem?

My wife is about to start learning and playing golf, but she has bit of back problems. For normal everyday stuff, she’s fine, but she concerned that the golf swings might cause her back problem to get worse.

I am thinking golf swing would give back excercise thus helps with her back, but then I guess it could have an opposite reaction.

What do you think?


8 Responses to “Is playing golf safe for a person with minor back problem?”
  1. Matthew says:

    yes it will do her good only play once per fortnight though otherwise it could do more bad than good

  2. White Polar Bear says:

    Get some opinion from your doctor. minor back problem only means she can manage the pain.

  3. Bopit says:

    You should check out don trahan’s PPGS at
    there is no back pain, no shoulder pain, anything. and it helps you hit the ball further and lower your handicap

  4. dvz says:

    It should be ok. I have back issues myself. But I can play. Just need to manage your amount of play and stretch a lot. I notice when my back is acting up. I actually play better, because i am using the big muscles instead of just going at it with my back and arms. But do ask your doctor first. I’ll bet the doctor will say is ok.

  5. turn2squid says:

    Dont do it. It will screw her up and it will screw up every golfer waiting for her to dribble the ball up. Untill they build women only golf courses they should not be allowed to play.

  6. Lou L says:

    I think as long as you don’t over do it, she could play. I suggest you play “alternate shot” to get started. That way she’s not swinging 120-140 times for 18 holes. I usually play this way when I go with my wife and kids. It cuts down on the frustration factor and maintains the pace of play.

  7. Norm Jones says:

    Hello there,

    That is a valid concern and one not to be taken lightly. None of here knows the nature and extent of your wife’s back problems. Before she undertakes any type of exercise regimen she should talk with her doctor. He can best advise her as to whether will risks further injury.

    I would also suggest that due to her back problems, she does not want to run the risk of learning the game by trial and error. Even if playing golf properly would not harm her, improper swing techniques might increase the risk of harm. She really should consider getting lessons to start. Those can be private lessons or the less costly group lessons. Many golf courses offer beginner classes and in some cities the parks department also has golf classes available. Learning proper swing techniques would minimize the risks.

    I cannot say that the gold swing or the walking of the course will be therapeutic with regards to her back. I can say that golf has helped me maintain flexibility. So yes, there can be benefits to the exercise involved.

    Good luck to you and your wife. Hope she enjoys the game.

  8. Phana24JG says:

    I know that Turn2’s answer will annoy you, but I have to admit the man has a point for some of these women golfers. Norm has given you the best possible advice. I have a few golfing friend with back issues, most have seen their problems improved, but one has had to quit because of medical advice.

    One thing I can add is that a good stretching program before swinging is very important.

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