What are the biggest Golf Tours worldwide, and when are they anually?

I’d love a list of the most important professional golf tours worldwide. If possible I’d like to know when they happen too.


3 Responses to “What are the biggest Golf Tours worldwide, and when are they anually?”
  1. mnk379s says:

    As far as I know,the list of major golf tour is as follow:

    PGA TOUR in USA check out
    Nationwide TOUR in USA also check out
    European TOUR in EUROPE and ASIA
    Canadian tour in Canada and North America

    For more info..go to European tour website.on their homepage
    at lower right corner, there is a link to all the golf tour website..

  2. Deano7275 says:

    The PGA Tour starts with the Mercedes Championship in January in Hawaii, and goes pretty much all year long. Once you get past the FedEx Cup, the rest of the year is basically for the guys trying to earn enough money to keep thier card for the next year.

    This is THE Tour. All the others listed on here are for guys that cant compete with the big boys, with the exception of the European Tour, which is for all the Europeans that hate Americans so much that they refuse to play with us.

  3. pgarox says:

    This site has links, right there on the home page, to every major professional golf tour for males.

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