Can I use automotive spray paint to paint a metal golf cart?

I would like to paint my golf cart as easily as possible. I dont mind sanding some, but I am more interested in scratch resistant finish. Also I just need a semi shiny finish. Ideally I would like to use a spray can as it would be easiest for me. Any ideas how to go about this?


3 Responses to “Can I use automotive spray paint to paint a metal golf cart?”
  1. Agas says:

    A spray can generally wont give the good shiny finish that you see on (most) cars…if you really want a good finish you should get a proper spray gun for automotive purposes and good auto paint and of course its always a good idea to practice on some spare parts before you do the real thing so that you really know what kind of finish you are going to get from the paint.

  2. Mystress L says:

    There are “fill yourself” spray can options, where you could purchase automotive paint, pour it in and spray it on. I’ve used them and it’s very eays. I’m not sure if you are talking a driving golf cart or a golf bag cart – but either way, why not get a few cans of Rustolium in a satin finish – what ever color you would like, then top it off with a clear varnish finish? I think this would be the easiest and save on cost as automotive paint is over $100 per quart depending on what you choose….

  3. yessaipan says:

    Regular spray paint will work. Now days they have semi and shiny paint as well as texture in a paint spray. The quality of the look will depend on what you really want. My brother did his whole car with basic spray paint, not bad either for $20.
    I suggest to get a can of spray paint that you like and test it on some metal (assuming your golf cart is metal, if not metal there are paints designs for plastics etc.), you might try several kinds, if you like the outcome then go for it. There are many choices today in a spray and the cost from .85 to $10 a can. You can also buy specialty car paint in a spray for a price.
    My choice for a golf cart; I would get a gloss color spray paint for $1.20 at Wal Mart. For about $5 you will have a new looking cart. You could also go for the hammered gold look spray paint… If you want the expensive stuff go to an auto paint supply store. The bigger problem is to have a steady hand and paint carefully so you don’t have any runs from the paint.

    Good luck…

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