How long will it take 5 novice golf players to play 9 holes?

The course is par 71 and is 5567metres in length so cut that in half and you get a 9 hole course approximately par 35 and 2000 metres.

2 of us have played golf before and are okayish, while the other 3 have never played.


14 Responses to “How long will it take 5 novice golf players to play 9 holes?”
  1. surfchic55 says:

    i would say about 2 hours…it all depends on how fast you guys can move.

  2. Ryan R says:

    hmm i’m a very experienced golfer and so are most of my friends. for 5 novice golfers it will take at the very least. 2 and a half hours

  3. kritten says:

    I’d say about 3 hours. Remember to let faster golfers behind you play through.

  4. tulip says:

    based on personal experience, 2.5 to 3 hours. remember golf etiquette to let the faster players behind you play ahead of your flight.

  5. Austin says:

    If You Play Ready Golf I Would Estimate Somewhere Around 2 Hours

  6. GC says:

    i would say 3 hours because you would be letting everyone through, but maybe 1 hour because you might get kicked of the course for having 5 people.

  7. Jerry Thunder says:

    2-3 hours depending on the course itself.


  8. Eric M says:

    It shouldn’t take much more than an experienced group. Speed should not be connected to skill. It shouldn’t take more than 2.5 hours absolute max. Inexperience is not an excuse for slow play quite honestly.

  9. groovedeck says:

    Definitely over 3 hours.

    I play golf myself and i find it hard enough to fit 9 holes in under 2 hours.
    But there will be 5 of you and 3 who have never played; and it sounds like a tough course.

  10. Mike says:

    You said 3 have never played before, I hope they have been to the range. For your sake and the sake of every golfer on the course take them to the range at least 3 times before setting foot on a golf course.
    Every new golfer should play a double par rule, if you take 6 strokes on a par 3, (8 on a par 4, 10 on a par 5) it’s over, pick the ball up and move on.
    Make sure they know some basic rules and etiquette.
    To answer you question, a 9 hole round of golf should NEVER take more than 2.5 hours.

  11. says:

    If five of you play together it could well take you 3 hours.

  12. MKG_Force says:

    Well it depends on the trouble on the course. If it is short, open, and it is hard to lose a ball. Maybe 2 1/2 hours. Novice tend to watch each other play versus playing ready golf.

    If the course is short, tight, and losing a ball comes into play on each hole. I don’t see you getting it in within 3 hours unless you look for 3 minutes and drop.

    Make it the best 3 hours you guys have ever had!

  13. Chris A says:

    a long, long time

  14. Federico M says:

    AT LEAST 3 hours. Easily 4.

    3 players that have never played golf before…. you can expect anything from them. Lets say 10 strokes average per hole.

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