Is swimming a good exercise to get in shape for golf?

I love to golf, and want to get better, I know that spending time in the course is important, but also, spending some time getting in shape is important also since I walk the course. I swim, about 2000 yards 3-4 times a week, depending on how much I golf, I have never had any clear answer if this is good for my game, or could hurt my game. I dont enjoy weights, and am not a motivated runner. I was hoping that someone could give me some insight on this, thanks.


7 Responses to “Is swimming a good exercise to get in shape for golf?”
  1. kwilfort says:

    Swimming is a good exercise for most sports. It exercises loads of muscles, builds shoulder & leg strength and helps the cardio vascular system.

  2. Dr Zibbs says:

    Swimming is one of the best – and most difficult exercises. You will build strength AND endurance. Do NOT however, use your clubs in the water – your arms are the only way to go.

  3. popcynical says:

    Have you ever watched golf? Since when do you have to be in shape. Since never.

    You have a golf cart to take you from hole to hole instead of walking.

  4. WhiskeyGuy says:

    Swimming is definately a good excercise to get in shape for any reason. In fact, it’s probably one of the best. I doubt it will hurt your game, but may not make it better either. Definately keep up the swimming, it’s great for your health and probably won’t hurt your golf game. As for helping your game, play. That’s probably the only way to get better.

  5. kimglf says:

    It’s an excellent way to get in shape for golf. Increases your endurance, strength and flexibility. You’ll want to add some additional stretching to your routine to cover all the muscle groups because, obviously, golf uses some different muscles.

  6. zudmelrose says:

    If I was to do any repetitive exercise program, it would be swimming. I think it is a great way to exercise especially getting the joints moving without putting all my weight on them. Walking in the pool too is a good exercise.

    Keep up the swimming, walking the course and the game!!

  7. jack a says:

    The best exercise for golf is golf specific training. Swimming is not golf specific. Core exercises on a fitness ball are great . Gof spcific stretching is great. Weight training with free weights and bands that targets muscles used in the golf swing are great. One website I consult is by a guy named Mike Peterson. There are also videos out there using Yoga and Pilates for golf.

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