Fix My Golf Swing Please

Do you ever think fix my golf swing thoughts? These thoughts could be at work, during a meal, with your family or as a dream, but I know either way, many golfers nearly beg to fix their golf swing as soon as possible.

My question to you in this pursuit to fix your swing is what has your approach been up to now?

Most golfers take lessons that can add up to hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Many buy new equipment in “hope” of a better game. And some even sink as low as buying the next gimmicky training aid off an infomercial they just saw. Now that’s rock bottom if you ask me!

My next question is, has this approach worked for you yet? I would assume not since you arrived at this article by typing in “fix my golf swing”. If not, why? Golf lessons are supposed to correct swing faults aren’t they? Why haven’t they fixed yours? New equipment is supposed to more forgiving allowing for less than average swings to produce above average results. What’s the deal?

And lastly, training aids promise to fix all your swing problems quickly and easily right?

If this approach has not worked for you and you’ve wasted all that money and your valuable time, what’s left?

The ONLY thing that’s left is YOU!

The “root cause” of all your swing faults is the person swinging the club. That would be your physical body. If you do not have the required strength and flexibility to make an efficient golf swing you NEVER will. It’s as simple as that! Try til you’re blue in the face and you’ve got blisters on a your hands, it isn’t ever going to improve your situation until you “fix the machine” that’s causing your misery.

Do you want to discover the missing link to golf swing power and consistency?

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