The Right Golf Equipment For Your Game

You have to be careful when you are purchasing your golf equipment as your game depends on the type of equipment you choose. Different people may require different type of golf equipment. There is no common product which can deal with the needs of all the players at the same time.

Purchasing golf equipment can really be an enormous task. When you go to the market to purchase golf equipment, you can find a large variety of golf products, of different shapes, sizes and within different price ranges. If you are a novice at the sport of golf, you would certainly have no idea as to which product is the best. Further adding to your confusion is the claim of each and every seller that his bargain is the best.

Hence, the most important task for you would be to do a bit of market research regarding the brands and prices of golf equipment available. You must clearly understand which products have lesser quality than their value states and which products are of lesser price but still provide you good quality. You can obtain this information by taking to some people who play golf on a regular basis. Ask them which golf equipment they prefer and their reasons for making the choice.

Another very popular tool to find information regarding golf equipment these days is the internet. There are websites and discussion forums which enable the golf players to interact with one another. Any issues regarding the pros and cons of particular golf equipment can be obtained on these sites. The reviews posted on these sites regarding golf equipment help you obtain information about the flaws present in the equipment and hence you can avoid purchasing it.

Shopping for your golf equipment on the internet is recommended these days for a variety of benefits that can be obtained from it. Firstly, information regarding each type of product can be obtained on the websites selling golf equipment. For instance, you can easily learn the importance of the length of the shaft and the material that it is made of in determining the effectiveness of the club. Pre-used golf equipment can also be found for sale on the internet.

Another important point is that these websites offer you the equipment at discounted prices and also offer to ship them home for you, making the total cost of the golf equipment less than that in the local stores.

Lanny Hintz


14 Responses to “The Right Golf Equipment For Your Game”
  1. Captain_Ahab_ says:

    Do you think modern golf equipment is ruining the game?
    Look at most other sports – the equipment is pretty much the same over the years. Soccer, baseball, football, etc. Only minor improvements in equipment.

    In golf, you have total duffers hitting 300 yard drives with Big Bertha. It makes older, shorter courses much easier. Newer, longer courses use more land because of this.

    I think there should be a standard set of clubs and balls and the only change is sizing for your height, stance, etc.

  2. drgoodhi says:

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  3. Jamil I says:

    no. golf sucks.
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  4. Califrich says:

    All is fair in love and golf.
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  5. el_scorcho6 says:

    I think the regulations should definitely be more tightly enforced, like in hockey, your stick can only have so much curve on it, your pads can only be so wide, etc. It DOES piss me off to go to the course with my standard clubs, play a good round with them, and then watch some rich boy with his daddy’s credit card smack a ball 9000000 yards with his new $10,000 clubs, even though we know the kid couldn’t get a hundred yards straight with a normal driver.

    Whew. End of rant.
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  6. fla_dan says:

    I’ve known a few good golfers and have actually had this conversation with them. Statistically (which I am amazed to hear), the stroke gain over the last 100 years has improved by only about 1 stroke. In my eyes, this only goes to reinforce the notion that it’s not necessarily the equipment but rather the player.
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  7. Sugarbaby says:

    You know you are right! Stick to the old standard
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  8. ThomasR says:


    Just teasing…………….. Modern equipment allows us duffers to look forward to those three hundred yard drives. What is wrong with this?

    Equipment keeps getting better & better. I celebrate the American enterprising!

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  9. mcbrian2000 says:

    yes, I agree totally with what you are saying!
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  10. mmshall says:

    I don’t think modern equipment is ruining the game. I really think it helps more women to get to men’s standards on the course. This way my husband won’t complain about the way i play as i’ve played with an old set of irons up until 2 weeks ago and i’ve noticed the difference in the feel. Those clunkers i was using may be antiques but they sure are heavy.
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  11. MMMMMMMM says:

    Amen. I have been saying this for 25 years. I’m a golf instructor and I say there should be one professional tournament a year played with clubs from the 70’s and earlier. The golfers of the past were far more talented than today’s because they had to do more with inferior equpment. Where this is ruining the game is that courses are becoming longer and longer because of the equipment and the average person who wants to take up golf figures if he or she CAN’T hit the ball 300 yds. why would they want to play the game. The people who make out like bandits are the club sellers who will talk any unsuspecting shmuck into an 1100.00 set of golf clubs, and that person is naive enough to believe that without those clubs he can’t possibly play the game. They’re preying on beginners and killing the game in the same way.
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  12. emmettgolf says:

    No. It is normal for technology to advance and players to get better resulting in the ball going farther and lower scores. It is also normal for aging athletes to lose their abilities. The bigger and better athletes will always hit the ball farther than others.

    They aren’t raising the basketball hoop because some players can almost stand on their tiptoes and stuff it. They are making the hundred yard dash farher because some runners break 10 seconds.

    This fixation on par along with the smaller and less gifted athletes is causing all the whining about technology. Hitting the ball far is not all there ids to golf. Daly would win more if that was the case. Golf, like other sports, is about the biggest, strongest, and most gifted, as it should be. Sports normally identifies the strongest and most gifted.
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  13. KAN K says:

    No I do not think that technology is ruining golf because the courses are getting harder and longer as the technology advances. Basically they are adapting to each other.
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  14. woodc1981 says:

    I have been playing golf for 15 years now. I now play to a +3.3 handicap. I agree there have been advancements in the equipment. I do not agree that simply hitting the ball further makes a player shoot lower scores. It still takes a fundamentally sound golf swing to go around a golf course in less than 70 strokes. I also do not feel like my Titleist 905R driver is worlds above easier to hit than my old wooden Hogan Edge driver. I do hit the ball further now but I was 14 then and now I am 25 so I am alot stronger. I also don’t agree that everyone is now hitting the ball 300 yards. Also, the top players in the world today almost all are using a blade type iron. And in conclusion for the past 40 or 50 years the average handicap for amatuer golfers has actually went up. While the players on the PGA tour aren’t shooting lower scores then they were 20 or 30 years ago.
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