How to Improve Your Golf Swing and Game

How to improve at golf can be broken into many parts, most people learning, start with the swing. (I would like to know how most tour professionals learned golf.) Golf consists of many parts and here is some of the main things to consider:

The swing Long game Short game Putting Course management Tactics Fitness Experience

Firstly you can break the golf swing into various parts;

Knowing how to hit the ball Being able to hit the ball Consistency of strike

There are so many golf swing gurus suggesting different methods, making sense of it all can be daunting. Each coach, teacher, golf professional, has their own way of showing how to better your swing. Who to go to for lessons or coaching is an almost impossible task to solve. I’ve heard a story of one professional telling a 13 year old playing off a handicap of 2. When he attended the professionals’ range for an initial assessment was told to “hit some balls to see what you’ve got” The boy went on to hit his usual premier flight shots consistently for 30 – 40 balls.

The pro told him to stop, the boy feeling quite proud of himself for hitting so well, was asked how many parts do you think are in the golf swing? The boy looked bewildered and replied the backswing and the downswing, two said the boy. No the professional said to him, ninety two points and you are on point 7, so you have a long way to go. The boy needless to say came out in tears and fortunately his father, a very good golfer, was waiting for him.  Hearing of this the father told the professional to go put his lessons ‘where the sun doesn’t shine’.

So what is the answer, for experienced players find a coach who will work with your game not try to change you into something you are not e.g. ‘a page forty five swing’ . Don’t alter your swing to a perfect formula, it is not possible, work with what you’ve got and a professional teacher should appreciate this and coach you on slight mistakes within your game. 
Good players who have the qualities should be looking to the externals of their game. For instance many externals could be regarded as fitness, diet, flexibility, strength and stamina. One option to relieve your tiredness is by way of getting a golf trolley or better still a powered trolley. 

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