Shocking – Here I Will Give You the Golf Lesson of a Lifetime, No Strings, No Costs – Amazing

How many times have you gone to the range or to the course and practiced and played and said to yourself..

” there, I’ve finally figured it out “

If your answer is never, you don’t need to read any further, you are done. Go away!

If you are one that this has happened to.. you have plenty of company. The frustration associated with this is just incredible. It’s unbelievable that such a change can occur overnight. But it does.


You go back to the range to practice what worked so well and BAM……….. where is it ?

GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!

As a matter of fact, you can hardly hit the ball at all. Right ? You have no idea what just happened. Over night your great golf swing is gone. Your golf instruction has got up and went.

Your golf lesson that you took, and that worked yesterday is no where to be found. And you spend the next hour or so banging balls at the range only to eventually leave just plain P_ _ _ _ _ off.


Does it matter that you spent hundreds of dollars on golf instruction or hundreds of hours practicing your golf lessons. Does it matter that now you feel like you have to start all over again. Well does it? Darn right it matters. Let’s say, just for example, that you are a pretty fair player. You know, you break a hundred, or you may shoot in the high 80’s. Some of you may shoot in the 70’s once in while and wonder why you don’t do it more often.

No matter which player you are, you know enough about the swing, so that at least you know what a good grip is, you understand swing plane, and you know what the swing path should look like.

You have a decent setup and half decent alignment. Good so far?

And you have a repeating swing problem.

We all have one of those. Golf instruction has helped some, and just knowing what the repeating problem is, well that has helped too.

But, after you thought you found the key to your swing, put it together so well, only to find one day later that you can’t do whatever it was, well that just irritates the crap out of you , doesn’t it?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could always find that magic move, or that one magic key to your swing. Dial it up anytime you wanted to, just a couple of little practice swings and BAM its back.

Right on cue.

That would be a powerful golf lesson.

Now I am going to give you that golf instruction right here. With a caution. If you don’t understand this, and some of you will not, please do not get all uppity about it.

If your a beginner, it may not make much sense. But if you are in the categories as listed above, you should be able to get this in your head.

Here it is………( assuming all the tidy little things like grip, stance,alignment etc are all in good working order)

What is the one position in the golf swing that matters most and that all good players seem to look exactly the same when they are in it ????

If you answered “impact” you would be exactly correct. Nothing else matters if you can get into a great impact position.

Swing plane and clubhead path are critical for this to happen. Wrong swing plane …… too flat for example can lead to an over the top move, I mean WILL lead to an over the top move. Wrong path will be the result………… outside in.

Most of the more enlightened players still struggle with the inside ” path” and have a hard time getting there without looking like a pretzel.

So here is the answer to getting the inside path correct every single time.


And here is how you can do just that.

Let’s just assume you want to hit the ball from the inside of the target line and follow through just outside the target line.

A typical inside out swing path.

Set up to the ball and using a very minnie swing, move the club away until it is parallel to the ground and parallel to the target line. Now push the club into the inside portion of the golf ball and make sure the clubhead passes the target line in its follow through.

This is a tiny little move. And it is done slow. It is not meant to be a golf shot. It’s a way to view clubhead path.

Your right hand grip must be a little on the top of the club and not under it. Or you will not be able to do this.

Push the club DOWN and OUT into the ball. Along an inside path from your small backswing position.

As you are doing this, you will need to be very very aware of the path the ” clubhead ” is traveling on.

This will be incredible important in another minute.

As you do this little drill, you should notice that your your right wrist is being bent back into the trayed position even though its only a small swing. And your right elbow is being tucked tight against your right side and is already bent in the proper position.

Remember to “push” the clubhead into the back of the ball…… as you learn how to do this you will automatically start to speed it up. That’s ok. Just don’t make the actual size of the swing any bigger at this point. And as long as you can see the actual path the clubhead is taking to get to the back of the ball, well that is the point of this part of the golf lesson.

Watch out for the tendency to release the club with the uncocking of the hands. Do not do this.

You need to have great angles. The right wrist position should be maintained as long as possible.

It is a push…………. and this is a drill.

If you do it correctly, as you begin to speed up the drill you will notice a bit of a right to left spin on the ball and perhaps a hint of a draw.

Looks good doesn’t it.

Now the acid test. The fuller swing. Here you will do exactly as before but now you will turn your shoulders fully into a backswing.

The club it self need not get too much past the straight up and down position. In other words a big backswing is not required or wanted. Only a full shoulder turn.

After the full turn ………… stop.

Now from this position, push the clubhead toward the ball and with your right eye, watch its every single move. Noting the actual path it goes on, while keeping your shoulders right where they are.

I mean mostly your left shoulder. It should not pull out of the swing. It should not move away from your left cheek. Your back should remain pointing toward the target.

Again…………… this is a drill. A very important one.

Let me back up for a moment … what we are trying to do here is to get you into the perfect impact position. The idea is to just focus on one thing that will provide the basis for the successful movement of the body parts and pieces ending up at the correct and powerful impact point.

In case there is a skeptic out there……. this actually will work very well, I know because this is exactly what I do in order to play well. It calms the whole process down to a manageble level and provides an excellent base for power and direction.

Hang around.

While keeping your left side dormant and pushing the clubhead down toward the ball, you should be on the exact correct swing path.

It will feel kinda like you are swinging along your shoulder line as long as you keep you back to the target for a long as you can.

If you let the left shoulder spin out of the way, you will have destroyed your ability to move the clubhead on an inside path to the inside of the golf ball and you will not have extension of the clubhead past the target line.

So……….. it is very important that you push the clubhead to the ball without moving all of your other parts. And most important is your left shoulder. For some, it might be easier to think ,not of your left shoulder, but rather think of keeping your left hip from spinning out.

Either way will work.

You must remember that all your body parts are connected. It will do you well to understand what happens to the clubhead if you move your left shoulder toward the target, left and up.

Try it…. you will see that you cannot maintain a swing path that is inside to out. Or inside to down the line.

You just cannot do it.

So with your back to the target and your left shoulder near your left cheek, push the clubhead along a visible path to the ball. Do this a bunch of times until you begin to feel the path and see the path and you feel the resistance of your steady left shoulder or left hip.

Actually, in a really good swing, the left shoulder will move up and closer to the left cheek. When you see someone do this on the range or on the course you are looking at a PLAYER.

Once again, the idea here is to help you actually SEE the swing path that clubhead must take to get to the inside of the golf ball.

Imagine you are trying to hit the golf ball to right field. You would swing the clubhead from inside to out.. toward right field.

That is the path you are looking for. Now Push!

Do this slowly at first and then speed it up……….. don’t hit balls yet… Turn into your backswing, making sure you have gone through the first position we talked about, club is parallel to the ground and parallel to the target line. You must go through this position.

Turn your shoulders fully, while remembering that you do not need or want the club to go much more that straight up and down. Maybe a small amount , but no where near parallel to the ground at the top.

No No No No No !!!

When you are finished with the move away…. you will have created plenty of room to push the clubhead into the back of the ball and will be able to actually see the path the club must take to do this.

Making sure that you go through the first position on the way to the ball once again. Important that you do this. Just push the clubhead down into the inside of the golf ball.

You will ruin the drill if you spin your shoulder ( left) or you hip ( left) out too early.

Ok what’s too early? By the time you start pushing the clubhead toward the ball in a full speed swing, all you will need to do is delay the left side of your body for just an instant. You must get so that you can feel some resistance and you absolutely must get so you can actually see the swing path line your club needs to take in order to hit the ball to right field.

In the full swing, with your right eye, you should be able to see the room you have created on the right side of your body as it has turned away into the backswing. You now have control of where you swing the clubhead as long as you are aware of the path it must follow.

The more you practice this, the easier it gets. But one thing is for sure, after a while, you will begin to
“SENSE” the path and the room you have created for the swingpath in your backswing.

Key points.

1. first drill is a push to the ball from a very short backswing, club parallel to the ground. Right wrist in the trayed position. You will get a slight right to left spin on the ball.

2. Push the club …….. do not allow the angles in your hands to release until after impact for this drill

3. You must visualize the actual path of the clubhead. That’s the whole idea here. See it.

4. You must, in the full swing drill, keep your left shoulder ” IN THE SWING” for as long as you can

5. Push the club head down and toward right field. Swing out!!

6. See the path……. once you do this you will always be able to do it.

Last word, most people have a hard time with the left shoulder or their left hip, take your time with this move. Its an advanced golf lesson. It ain’t easy.

And remember that your shoulders will do what they are supposed to do if you give them ” time” in the swing by making sure your clubhead on the correct path …….first !

But if you can see the path and understand how the path got created by your move away, you will be able to put the clubhead on the correct path. Once this happens you will find that things like hitting from the top and lousy weight shifts are a thing of the past.

Wouldn’t that be great…

My name is Paul Macleod, I use this drill almost every day. It makes a huge difference to get the swing plane and the swing path correct. This method helped me shoot a round in the low 60’s this year at my club. I’m 62 years old…….. Guess what I shot. On a championship course… not a pitch and putt.

You may not shoot in the 60’s ….ever.. but you will hit the ball like magic if you can master this drill.

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