Who Else Wants a Quick Golf Lesson That Will Take You to The Next Level

What is a golf lesson ?

Does golf instruction actually instruct?

After you pay $ 60.00 or so, are you a better golfer?

After you get past all that setup stuff, the swing is actually rather simple.

If you want it to be.

The one thing that makes me madder than a hot match under my fingernails is that when you get instruction from a PGA certified person, you get the standard stuff.

It’s practically all the same.

I don’t have so much of a problem with sameness as I do with whether it is correct or not.

Here’s my point.. if you watch the best players, man or woman, on the tour, you will see swings that are not taught to you on the practice range. It’s not because you can’t do it.

I’m not 100% sure why. Here’s a guess. My guess is that instructor don’t know what the best players are actually doing at every point in the swing. Except impact!

So….Golf instruction is not teaching what the best players actually do in their respective swings.

Let me give you just one example.

Golf instruction tells us to take the club away low and long. That is, low to the ground and far away, before you do any lifting of the club on the moveaway. It’s called separation. A method that creates a wide arc and is supposed to be a power source.

It is true that there are some players that do this.

But not many.

If you try to do it, you will first find it almost impossible, and if are able to do it, you will pull yourself outside of your right foot and never be able to get back to the left side. And you will probably not be able to get the proper wrist position at the top of your swing ( if you ever get to the top)

It is a formula for the impossible. An equation for failure. Very few really good players do this.

So what do they do on the moveaway!

Mike Weir and Chris Dimarco of the PGA tour are excellent examples of what most players are actually doing on the moveaway.

If you watch the pre-shot routine of these two, you will see an early right ( left for Weir) wrist cock or bend toward the forearm. And the club is set at or near parallel to the ground. There is no body movement on this.

If you could stop then right there for a second. Then tell them to keep that position with their hands and just turn their shoulders into the backswing slowly so you could watch. And have them bring the club with the shoulders with no further hand action.

If you could get them to do that you would then see EXACTLY what almost all good players are doing on the moveaway.

A few days ago I wrote an article about the right wrist position and the angles that are important in order to gain leverage and power.

In this article, the right wrist angle to the right forearm and the angle between the clubs shaft and the right forearm are created at or near address with a pushing of the right hand down onto the left thumb.

Please read that again. It sound complicated. It’s not!

This little move helps push the right wrist bent and creates the angles.

This is exactly what Mike Weir and Chris Dimarco are doing.

Then they turn their shoulders and make sure that they maintain the angles through to impact.

The trouble begins when they do it at full speed. It is incredible deceiving. They do this move but it very very hard to pick up without stop action.

This is what is missing for your golf instruction. Golf lessons do not include this move. They should.

Is this a tad advanced? Yes it is. But it is so simple that almost anyone can do it. Try it!

I’m telling you right now, that if you can make yourself do this you will be hitting the ball as if by magic in no time flat. And if you do I would love to hear from you.

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