Are there any good golf forums or areas of same interest that you could help me with?

Also, info on amateur tournaments or golf outings. Basically anything to do with golf. Who’s in for more golf?


4 Responses to “Are there any good golf forums or areas of same interest that you could help me with?”
  1. Jeff M says:

    I skim, and a few others. For deals on equipment check or for coupon codes.

  2. says:

    Theres a list that goes forever if your talking about golf, but here’some i lke -my favourite

  3. cmacjr23 says:

    I am a member of The sand trap and golf rewind forums. Pretty informative lots of information to be had on those forums. I would recommend them as well as the others that were listed by the other answerer’s.

  4. Unemployed in Orlando says:

    Go to the golf channel’s website – great forums there!

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