Do you think golf clubs these days are made for hitter not swinger?

I’ve played golf for over 20 years since Persimon woods and iron shaft time and I felt the club more then than now. With drivers these days, I feel the need to grip harder and use more hands and wrists than ever before. Is there any theory changed lately on driver swing?


3 Responses to “Do you think golf clubs these days are made for hitter not swinger?”
  1. ANF says:

    I have just bought a new driver of the 460cc size with a 10deg loft. I find that with this driver I can swing faster with no loss of accuracy, as long as I keep my head down, but I still need to observe the basic requirements of the swing. Straight left arm, take back 12 inches before turning etc. The best results come with a complete and full follow through complete with end of stroke pose. Have a good golf time.

  2. Hitch-Hiker says:

    You need a bigger grip. The grips on these new clubs are a lot smaller than the old wraps and even the non-leathers of the past. If you feel like you have to squeeze to hold on you need a bigger grip. Woods are better nowadays but what is not are these cavity back irons. I just bought my first set of them this season and I will not return next season. To go from muscle-back blades to cavity is rediculous. When you can strike the ball with some consistency the CB’s just send the ball straight up into the air, way higher than a blade. It’s as if you HAVE to hit them off-center to get a punchy straight shot. I’m venting I know but I feel like the equipment that they are phasing out was better than this new junk made for golfers that can’t play anyway.

  3. Mike says:

    New drivers tend to be very light. Heavy club heads feel like you can let them go easier, not “hold on” as hard. Try adding 2 or 3 strips of lead tape to the bottom of the club, see if that feels better.
    My dad loves my old R7, its supper heavy. It had a big piece of lead tape and I added a 14 and 12gram weights, it also has a very stiff shaft. He hit heavy persimmon woods for 30+ years. After a while he took some weight off to help hit the ball farther. Lighter really does make the club move faster. But golf is all about feel. Try the lead tape, you can always take it off when you get more used to the new club.

    Good Luck!

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