Does anyone knows how many American professional Golf players play golf for a living?

Someone told me there are over 20,000 golf players in the US today but i doubt it, does anyone knows?


3 Responses to “Does anyone knows how many American professional Golf players play golf for a living?”
  1. Julian says:

    believe it brother!!! just on a tiny scale……I played a golf tournament yesterday and there was a field of 120 players. now thats just a fraction of players at one golf course. Now lets add that to all golf cousres that hold tournaments. All the classes of different handicapps. and there are states like Arizona and California,Nevada, that has great golfing weather all year around. Don’t ever undestimate. Golf has alot of paticipants.

  2. Tyler says:

    20,000 would be more like the number of PGA professionals that work at the many golf courses and other golf related fields in our country. There is less then 300 Americans or less that actually play golf in tournaments and make a living from it. That number is a guess of mine but it is nowhere near 20,000.

  3. Rockefeller says:

    If you include the minor semi professional leagues i would guess there must be over 1,000 American golf players who play golf for a living but nowhere near 20,000 i agree with the other answerer!

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