How can I find ways to setup and promote a junior golf event in Boring, Oregon?

I am trying to write a technical report for a writing class at Mt. Hood Comm. College and my topic is ‘Promoting Junior Golf at Mountain View Golf Club in Boring, Oregon.’ I am having troubles finding ideas on how to setup, run, and promote such an event.


2 Responses to “How can I find ways to setup and promote a junior golf event in Boring, Oregon?”
  1. oms says:

    First place newspaper ads. Come up with a good cause. Ask for donations from local sponsors, such as a per hole sponsorships, hole-in-one prizes, closest to the pin prizes, 1-3 place prizes in exchange for publicity.

  2. Zelda says:

    Welcome to Boring, Oregon! “The most exciting place to live!”
    It really does exist, and that looks like a picture of Mt. Hood. Lovely place.
    Can you hold a fund raiser and invite a celebrity to come for the golfing event? It would be awesome if you could get a local driving range or mini golf park to agree to sponsor this fund raiser. Which party would benefit from the junior golfing event? The college? If so, they must already have some kind of fund raising aparatus in place. Can you hold this event in conjunction with reunions?
    Ask someone to run it who has experience running charity events locally, and pick a co-chair who has golfing experience and contacts at the club. Ask them to help you select a committee. You’re going to need a year lead time or at least 9 months. Find someone to join your committee who has finance experience and another person who has some publicity experience and loads of contacts. When the time is getting close talk to all the local papers and radio stations. You may also need to throw a dinner party at the golf club. If you get the right group together, it should almost run itself.
    Make sure at least one of the people listed on this Website is asked to sit on the committee, and the mayor too!

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