How can I increase the length of my irons in golf?

Im 15 years old and ive been playing golf for about 3 years. Im really skinny buy also really flexible so my average drives are about 250-265. My average 7 iron is about 140. But im wanting to increase the length of my mid-long irons. Are there any exercises or drills to help gain some distance?


4 Responses to “How can I increase the length of my irons in golf?”
  1. gobigsam says:

    Gotta hit the gym. Work on your back and core. Don’t do to many bench presses. Also do a lot of curls. Creatine will help you gain weight in muscle.

  2. ericgerrity says:

    Work on your core (back & stomach) as well as your forearms.
    The best thing though is to practice… You’d be surprised how much farther things go once your timing gets better.

    Remember to pinch the ball between the club and grass.

  3. tuners_x says:

    Go to gym and work out ALL ur muscles.

  4. Bogus Golpher says:

    You don’t need distance. Those #s you gave us are fine. Work on your accuracy and control instead. That way you know where you’re hitting.

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