How can I make my high schools golf team?

I have never played golf before, but I would like to play a sport In high school. I would try out 10th grade. There aren’t a lot of people on the team, but it sounds fun! Do I need to be strong in order to play? How can I get in shape for tryouts?


4 Responses to “How can I make my high schools golf team?”
  1. Jessiejaye(: says:

    practise makes perfect, go on a family outting to the nearest golf range.

  2. GO BROWNS says:

    Practice alot during the summer and walk the course instead of driving a golf cart that can keep u in shape. being strong can help u a little work out over the summer too it wouldnt hurt. just remember to keep ur head down when hitting and dont get mad if have a bad shot it just hurts ur game more.

  3. unkoolaid says:

    practice as much as you can before trying out. see if you are really interested and then go for it. you can try to work out, but flexibility is more important than having a lot of muscle, but some extra strength is always nice. good luck.

  4. googie says:

    If you have never played the game before, don’t waste your time. Would you try out for basketball, football or baseball without having played the game ? What makes you think that golf is any easier ?

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