How can I take the logo off of my golf bag?

I have a ping golf bag, and it has a logo on the side. I want to strip that off, is there any special/possible way?


4 Responses to “How can I take the logo off of my golf bag?”
  1. Raven says:

    Go buy a new one without logo. Or you can take some tape, a stick, and 3 bottles of elmer’s glue to heal your wounds.

  2. Noxas says:

    flame-thrower or very sharp knife

  3. cwhiatt says:

    You could very well go at it with an exacto knife and a very small needle point scissors. But then why would you?

    Assuming you go through the laborous task of getting the logo off, it’s a very good probability that the fabric beneath the thread of the logo is going to be much darker than is the fabric on the rest of the bag (considering dirt and/or sun exposure).

    And so..even if you get the embroidered logo off, it’s very likely that you’ll still clearly be able to read Ping on the side of the bag.

  4. Christ says:

    buy a new golf bag

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