How can Tiger Woods remain sanctioned by the PGA when he broke all the rules of golf with the “Back 9”?

Golf is all about honesty,integrity,fairness, patience, and persistence. How can the PGA allow him to play after all of his careless cheating? It will bring down the prestige of focused players that are more consistent. It will cheapen the sport, and the majors. I think he’ll be banned by the Master’s if he shows up. More than likely he will not qualify again for any tournament. I think he’ll just fade away. He earned his money, now its time to bail. No one wants to see him on a course now.


3 Responses to “How can Tiger Woods remain sanctioned by the PGA when he broke all the rules of golf with the “Back 9”?”
  1. Jenna says:

    That’s true! check out my question please! Hehehe!

  2. Bill Cricket-golf says:

    Yes, everyone does still want to see him on the golf course.

    I can see how his problems may have an impact on his sponsorship, is his brand after all.

    But that has nothing at all to do with his ability to play golf.

    He has done nothing legally wrong, some may question his personal life, but that has nothing to do with his job.

  3. idez9 says:

    OH please…PGA sanctioned..for what? Do you know how many Professional Golfers have cheated on their wives? Tiger ain’t the first nor will he be the last. He won;t be banned from any golf tourneys. He simply brings in way too much money. Plus in this country, you are not guilty until proven so…Nothing has been proven…his statement was very empty. NO he will be back, stronger then ever mainly because he is going to be pissed off. He will break all of Jack’s records by the time he is done with the PGA…Regardless of what TIGER is away from the golf…he still is the best golfer that has ever walked the planet. MAybe this is just one big conspiracy brought on by the other PGA pros trying to get Tiger kicked off the Tour simply so they will have half a chance to win some money..

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