How can you tell if certain shoes are golf shoes?

I bought these shoes the other day and on the recipt it said that they were golf shoes. How do you tell?


10 Responses to “How can you tell if certain shoes are golf shoes?”
  1. Andy C says:

    they have these little things on the bottom
    just look at this link and you ll know

  2. Summer M says:

    Golf shoes have little spikes on the bottom of the shoe to keep grip on the golf course.

  3. Sliteofhand says:

    Andy has some of it right but there are new golf shoes that really look like canvas or leisure shoes with flat patterned bottom soles. If they say golf on the shoe or the box they came in they are golf shoes. If they only say it on the receipt, then they are probably other shoes rung up on the golf shoe key.

  4. googie says:

    Most golf shoes are equipped with spikes which are round things, inset in the shoe, composed of plastic with protrusions which are intended to grip the soil during the golf swing. There are golf shoes like Etonic which have a serated sole which acts in the same manner. That is how you distinguish a golf shoe from a regular shoe.

  5. toughnottobeacynic says:

    What did you think you were buying?

  6. Jay B says:

    they have between 1-12 cleats that are in circular patterns and each cleat has 2-12 ridges.

  7. jpate1 says:

    what does it matter you bought the shoes because you like them right? If they look good wear um.

  8. Flatstick says:

    Golf shoes generally have spikes on the bottom.

  9. Eddie Mix says:

    spikes and they look like bowling shoes

  10. fefe says:

    because they have spikes on the bottom =]

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