How do I become a golf course Marshall?
I am considering a career in the military, after 20 years when I retire I want to get a job as a golf course Marshall. What do I need to do to become one?
Why do you think I’m retarded?
I am considering a career in the military, after 20 years when I retire I want to get a job as a golf course Marshall. What do I need to do to become one?
Why do you think I’m retarded?
The same way you become golf course Sheriff; you take a Civil Service Exam.>>>even I know that, and I am retarded
Most of the Marshalls I have talked in the golf course are old gofl pro.
You may need to take a course about rules and regulations at a local golf academy.
You can find information on golf academies at
BTW: don’t pay attention to the first comment..He doesn’t even know what a golf Marshall is.