How do I become noticed for my disc golf talents?

Ive been playing disc golf for almost 3 years and I feel that i have great talent. I can make long putts consistently and drives almost 500ft accurately. What can i do so that i can get noticed by pros and ams?


6 Responses to “How do I become noticed for my disc golf talents?”
  1. heThatDoesNotWantToBeNamed says:

    Hit them with a disc!

  2. 1337 says:

    500ft? people often use yards but if you want..just go to your local golf clubs and become a member or just play alot with differnt people..go play local tournements and stuff and people wil get to know you then your name will be put out

  3. Joy_Brigade says:

    I would think winning competitions would help

    And being a colorful noticeable character while at them.

    Maybe offer to wear their gear w/o charge at an event, then after that request compensation for future wearings.

    Actually, personally I’d like to see you contribute more to the world.

    But another part of me just wants you to do what makes you happy

  4. Michael M says:

    I didn’t know there was a pro disc golf association for such a silly game.

  5. vdrums11 says:

    Since you have been playing for about 3 years, I am sure you have entered and, with your talent, likely won some local tournaments. If that is true then all you really need is to move up to more regional tournaments instead of local. Once you get to that level, and win, your name will be noticed much more widely. At that point you should start getting invites to play in more and larger tournaments. Hope that helps.

  6. Channel Z says:

    Check out some video excerpts from some National Tour Events featuring the worlds best Pro Disc Golfers at the website below….Then when you go on tour you will know what kind of talent you are up against…

    You can also tune your game by playing me….alot of the young guys throw it farther than me but few beat me….NW Indiana by Chicago has 3 courses in one park…Lemon Lake in Cedar Lake IN. I am throwing down the gauntlet (challenging you)….

    …go sox…

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