How do i keep the club face closed on my golf swing?

I seemed to have developed a slice on my golf swing and can’t sort it out. I think i’ve got it down to opening the club face on my down swing. Has anyone got any ideas how to solve this?


6 Responses to “How do i keep the club face closed on my golf swing?”
  1. pflem says:

    First you should check your swing plane. This is kind of difficult to tell all by yourself so have someone watch or video tape your swing. This is one big reason why the club face is open at impact.

    Also check your grip. A weak grip has your thumbs at 12:00 while a strong grip has your thumbs a little further back 1 or 2 o’clock. The strong grip will help in closing the club face through impact.

  2. googie says:

    Apparently your arms are way ahead of your hips, thus opening the club face. Make sure that you plant the lead foot first when starting the downswing with the hip turn as well as the arms synchronized so that dropping from the inside to impact and hit through the ball. Hit through the ball with a full follow through and high finish.

  3. say-ruh says:

    dont cock your wrists early…i have the same problem that you have and my fault is that i cock my wrists early in my swing.

    when you take the club back–imagine you are takin it back with your shoulders, and try to keep your wrists in a fixed position. they will naturaly hinge at the right spot.

    i hoped this helped you out. obviously no one on YA can tell you what is wrong without seeing your swing–but maybe if you try all of our suggestions it will help your game out some.

    good luck!

  4. joe c says:

    easiest way is to strengthen your grip!

  5. Katrina says:

    There are two variables in your swing that will determine the ball flight. First is swing path, this will determine which way your ball will start.( left, straight, or right) Second the club face(open, straight, or closed) this determines the spin on the ball.
    If you are hitting a slice like 99 percent of the players out there your ball is starting out left and going right! To fix this problem go to the driving range and set up with your club face square to a target, and your back facing paralell to the target with your feet staggered. This will force you to swing on the opposite swing path, and also make your right hand turn over your left producing a draw. Slowly bring your stance back to a normal allignment. Good Luck and remember it takes the body 21 days to remember a change so don’t get discuraged.

  6. amcquerrey says:

    One thing you might try is to practice swinging with just upper body and if the ball flies straight the problem may be that you are clearing your hips through the shot before the club face is coming through. If that’s not the problem it may be that the club is sliding in your hand. Another possibility is that you may be opening your wrists so make sure you keep them strong and rotate them through the shot. If you are still stumped, the best solution would be to have a friend watch your shot to see what you are doing.

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