How do I loosen my shoulders before playing golf?

I play golf but my shoulders are always stiff for the first few holes and that effects my score and stops me reaching my potential. Can anyone help


7 Responses to “How do I loosen my shoulders before playing golf?”
  1. x-15a2 says:

    Take 1 anti-inflammatory (I take aspirin) and a good multi-vitamin just before you begin your round. While you play, drink plenty of water (not soda or beer, water) and eat a healthy snack (bannana, fruit bar) at the turn. You will be surprised how much it helps!

  2. glen says:

    take baseball swings. about ten. then start lowering your ark.3to4 will do this with a heavy club or a club weight.

  3. googie says:

    Do the light calisthenics exercise of touching the toe with the opposite hand and vice versa. This stretches the shoulder and torso muscles. You can also take a few practice swings which will help or go to the range and hit a few golf balls to ” limber up”.

  4. albyone23 says:

    Go to the practise ground for 1hr. Like the pros.

  5. Rory says:

    This may sound stupid, but I have found that my eyebrows are directly connected to my shoulders! Seriously, when you have a frown or worried expression on your face, it has an effect on the rest of the body. You tense up, can’t help it.

    Tense can feel the same as stiff. While at the range warming up, tell a few jokes, and don’t worry, you can hit the ball long and straight. Yes you can.

  6. YeaSonny : ) Veggie all the Way! says:

    god. i wish i could put a video of my stretches cause they work really well. um i usually stretch with the golf club. just kinda twisting my arms and putting the club behind my head with straight arms. that makes no sense thats why i wish i could show you. but stretch with your golf club. it will help.

  7. Patrick S says:

    WD-40. I’ve only tried it on elbows and nuts (wow, that pun could not get any better hahaha)

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