How do you know the price of a logo golf ball?
I sell golf balls, and I recently realized there are alot of logo balls sold on ebay. I never thought about separating them out, but I am now… The only problem is I dont know what to price the logo balls at; does any one know of a price reference guide or something of the sort?
There are some logos that people collect, I am trying to figure out which ones they are so I can sell them separately.
Logo golf balls generally sell for less then regular golf balls. The price of the logo golf ball depends on the brand of the actually golf ball. If the golf ball is a titleist pro v1 brand new with a logo it will sell for over 3 dollars a ball but if it is a precept with a logo probably less than 1 dollar
99.99% of the time, logos are a deterrent. That is why they are cheaper. Some people don’t care about them and like the cheaper price. Very few people buy a ball because of the logo unless they are getting them made. I don’t think it would be worth your time separating the balls by anything other than make/model
I think the two previous respondents are probably right, insofar as logo balls tend to sell at a slightly lower figure. However, I quite like them as the chances of two balls on the course having the same logo is remote and it saves marking but overall, the condition and make drives the price.
click on to google, enter logo golf ball /price, and you will have all the global prices in front of you, hope this is helpful…….gj