How do you learn to play golf?

My boyfriend loves to play golf and for his birthday in August I want to suprise him by learning how to play. Can you teach yourself? I can’t even hit the ball, should I try a trainer? Since that is so expensive what kind of tips do you guys have for a beginner?


7 Responses to “How do you learn to play golf?”
  1. staffingpro9999 says:

    June is Women’s Month at most courses where they are running specials on learning the game. Check your local muni and daily use courses as they might have free clinics.

  2. scott A says:

    it is a tough game and i do suggest a trainer, but a tip would be do not drop your shoulder and keep ypur head down

  3. An0nym0us mAn1Ac says:

    Check with your local golf courses for prices. You should be able to find a course for beginners. I took my beginner lessons for $60. for 6 lessons. I would recommend to get some training so you don’t develop any bad habits. They will teach you how to hold the club, how to swing and also how to correct any problems with your swing.

    Golf can be quite frustrating if you can’t hit the ball.

    You’re going to love it. It’s challenging and fun at the same time.

  4. Stan M says:

    It is almost impossible to teach yourself golf. To make the game enjoyable for both you and anyone you play with, you need to be at least be able to keep the ball in play most of the time. This will take some instruction from a teaching pro. Amateur teachers are never as good as they think they are and have had no training in how to teach.

    Most golf courses and driving ranges have teaching pros on staff. The cheapest would be at a driving range that is NOT affiliated with a golf course. Lessons will cost from $40 to $100 each and you would need at least three or four before you begin playing on a course.

    Almost no one is good who plays but everyone hates playing with someone who slows down the whole group and really new bad players do that. Those with some lessons under their belt are much easier to play with.

    Get some lessons and go have fun.

  5. Wee Man says:

    It is not impossible to teach yourself golf, but I would recommend that you take a course of at least 3 beginners lessons to get the fundamentals of the game correct. If you start with the grip and posture correct you are on the correct road to learning the game. Costs for this will depend on where you live as this varies wildly across the country. Sometimes you can find group lessons available at Universities, Colleges, local community centres etc, these are an excellent introduction to the basics you need to learn. If in doubt consult a local professional, any decent one will be willing to help. (I know, I used to be one). Once you have started, get you boyfriend to help you out, it’s a great way to spend time together and have a laugh. Golf is a great sport, most importantly have FUN!!!!

  6. Stan M says:

    just play, he will be happier to have you just playing then for you to beat him and make him feel bad. Just play and have fun.

  7. Dig it says:

    patience, lots and lots of patience
    But you’ll get it eventually, some lessons may help

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