How does the shape of a golf ball affect the area of it’s box?

If 12 spherical golf balls are in a rectangular box, and their diameter is 42.67mm with their volume being 40.7cm, what would be the smallest the area of the box could be?


One Response to “How does the shape of a golf ball affect the area of it’s box?”
  1. David A says:

    You should maybe repost this as a math question. they could be laid out in 1 row of 12, 2 rows of 6, or 3 rows of 4. The volume of the golf ball is a red herring, since you know the diameter already and since golf balls are perfect spheres.
    the 2 layout option are (42.67×1) x (42.67×12)=21848.75 sq mm
    (42.67 x 2) x (42.67 x 6) =21848.75 sq mm or (42.67 x 3) x (42.67 x 4)=21848.75 sq mm
    you asked for the area of the box, so the answer is 21848.75 sq mm. If you want the volume, just multiply this answer by another 42.67.

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