How good of golf scores does it take to make a college team?

I am on my HS golf team and i was just wondering if i wanted to join a small college team not like the best but just like a basic team. I am a sophomore and I shoot low 80s’ by the time I am a senior will i be good enough?


5 Responses to “How good of golf scores does it take to make a college team?”
  1. redsoxalldawayin06 says:

    Maybe Division III but that’s the best because freshman and sophmores at my school shoot mid 70’s and the best shoot high 60’s so there I doubt you could compete at the collegiate level unless you work hard.

  2. max o says:

    The average d II or d III golfer is going to be a 2 handicapper or lower. You have a ways to go, but plenty of time to get there. It will take work, but there is nothing between you and playing college golf but time and opportunity.

  3. matthew says:

    I played division III in 2000, so while it has been a few years I don’t imagine the scores have dropped much. When I played in college I shot in the mid to high 70’s. If you can walk into a college with a USGA verified handicap of 6 or better I would bet that most D III, and probably most D II schools will give you a chance to try out for the team. If you could get some sort of amateur tournament under your belt and do well in it that would help too. If you want to play golf at a higher level the more proof that you have to verify your golfing skills the better. Keep working on your game and expand your golf to other things besides your high school golf team. Best of luck!

  4. Andy says:

    you have to have a scratch handicap and shoot 70’s and low 60’s

  5. Kyle L says:

    I play for a D3 school right know a freshman and I shoot in the mid 80s are two seniors shoot in the mid 70 or lower.

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