How is it that insurance agents get to play golf and get of the office so much?

I’m sorry but that is my goal for the future. If you are an agency owner, how much time is feesable that you can be out of the office golfing… Is it that they have a crackpot group of csr’s working for them… Do they hire producers also? How many employees can you have before that type of lifestyle is possible, that can keep your agency running and still profiting and growing? Even if you golf in the a.m. and then drop by the office after lunch, what does that “type” of owner have on his agenda when he gets into the office?


3 Responses to “How is it that insurance agents get to play golf and get of the office so much?”
  1. src50 says:

    “Never waste your time arguing with an idiot.”

  2. Chris C says:

    I’ve noticed many advisors in my area are strickly focus on sales and selling stuff and don’t care about properly servicing their clients. They try to sell stuff to anyone that can fog a mirror just to get the trailer commissions. I call this the “sell and store” practice….they sell you a bunch of stuff and then store your file in a file cabinet and never call you again. Once the North America catches up to the rest of the world in regulation on how trailer commisions are linked to service, these folks will be going out of business.

    If you’re going that route ask your self “If I was a client would I want to deal with someone thatonly calls to sell me something or would I want to deal with someone that actually cares?” 😀

    Only other way to do it is to hire/outsource the work to people below you and become a ‘business owner’ and not a self employed advisor. As for how many employees? Hard to say, depends how nice the golf courses are that you like to golf at.

  3. Insurance says:

    You don’t have to be in management to have free time. Once you build a book of business you need to only properly service it. Hire a customer service rep and you’re good to go. It takes time though.

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