How many calories do you burn walking 18 holes of golf?

On an 80 degree day, 7000 yard golf course and carrying your own bag. About how many calories would you burn?


5 Responses to “How many calories do you burn walking 18 holes of golf?”
  1. Dr. B says:

    Including swinging the clubs 1174.

  2. 1337 Cyclista says:

    i dont think its as much as stated above. mabe 500….
    the answer above includes the callories burned by you body just maintaining regular function.

    golf is a great game, however, it should not be seen as a form of exersise. it is great to get out though. you shuold mabe go for a run or so once a week.

  3. emt_dragon339 says:

    around 1000 if you cary your own bag

  4. dadogg13 says:

    depends on how much you weigh and how long you do it. i.e. if you are 150 lbs. and golf for 4 hours you will burn 1655 calories. Go to this website to figure it out.

  5. Bryan Q says:

    you burn 15 calories a minute so it depends on how uch time you take

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