How much electricity do golf courses use?

They are huge users of power, including lighting, air conditioning, charging of golf carts and powering the water through pipes for irrigation. How much does a golf course pay for electricity on an average month?


3 Responses to “How much electricity do golf courses use?”
  1. northcarrlight says:

    Interesting point – cause I was laughing thinking none – but there ya go! and me holding an honours degree in construction as well. So to answer you I would say “depend on the size of the development”

    Made me think and I like that, thanks

  2. SmartA$$ says:

    It obviously varies on too many factors:

    1. do they have a driving range with lighting?
    2. how big is the clubhouse?
    3. do they have heat or air conditioning for the clubhouse?
    4. is there a restaruant that uses electricity?
    5. how many carts do they charge everyday?
    6. If irrigation water is pumped from a nearby stream or lake, how much is pumped and how far?
    7. what is the price of electricity in the area?

  3. googie says:

    There is a considerable amount used on the course for irrigation pumps, irrigation controls, maintenance of mowers and other equipment, lighting, air conditioning for the locker rooms and restaurant ,parking lot lighting, hot water heating for showers, and cooking, food warmers and charging electric carts.There is also the circulation system for the swimming pools

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