How much money is it to replace a green on a golf course?

Let’s just say there were some divots made on a green today at the golf course I went to. A pack of kids from the local school were golfing there, and I guess they left some divots in the greens. Someone told me if there’s a divot in the green it has to be entirely replaced.

Just curious, but don’t they have to replace the whole green to fix it? How much does that cost usually?


4 Responses to “How much money is it to replace a green on a golf course?”
  1. ixnaytim says:

    an entire green costs near 50k. There are some factors that can make it cheaper or more expensive though. Such as, is it elevated? is it near an access road? What are the surroundings(Water, Bunkers, Contours)? The type of grass will matter too.
    However the situation you describe does not require a big fix, just some seed. If the divot is less than 6 inches wide and a foot long, the hole should be placed on the opposite side, and the area should be tagged with red flags so you can lift your ball and place it outside the “Unusual course condition”. If it is ball marks, then use a tee and lift the area all around the divot to raise the middle then press down with your shoe.

  2. ncarlsongolf says:

    At no point would a divot require the course to replace the whole green. What they are going to have to do is pull that grass up and re-sod the area in question. It will take around 5 weeks for the sod to look and play like normal so there is a lot of time and money spent in replacing even a small area with new sod. But there will not be a situation in which the entire green must be replaced.

  3. googie says:

    Whoever told you that an entire green would have to be replaced because a divot was taken is ” pulling your leg “. To build an entire green from scratch with the proper drainage, slopes, base and sod the cost is approximately $ 50,000. The course usually has a green sod farm on its premises from which sod is taken to make repairs for areas which are diseased, burned out, damaged through regular maintenance mishaps or vandalism. If local kids caused the damage and they could be identified our course would make sure they were arrested and the parents held responsible for restitution.

  4. speedingbus2003 says:

    It could be huge; upwards of 100k is not out of the ball park, most clubs do have their green’s insured, just in case.

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