How to become a golf ball diver?

I heard golf ball diving is a good way to make some money. How can I get a job diving for golf balls. Would I work for a company, or work for myself?


2 Responses to “How to become a golf ball diver?”
  1. OCclimber says:

    Haha you must have just been watching Pitch Men. I work at my gold course’s driving range and the ball divers are self employed. Basically, you just talk with the higher ups at the course and make sure its okay. However, some courses pick up the balls themselves to be resold in their pro shop.

  2. Nature Boy says:

    You work for yourself. Just get a set of fins, mask and snorkel, and get proficient in their use. Bear in kind that diving has some risk, so be careful and follow the rules, always, and never dive alone. At least have a safety person standing by that can pull you out if necesary.

    Then just go to any golf course (with permission), and dive for lost golf balls (and there will be thousands on the bottom…more than you could ever recover). Take the ones you salvage, clean them up and sell them for 5 balls for a dollar to golfers. They use them for practice balls.

    As long as you don’t make over $500.00, I don’t think you have to report it to the IRS.

    My best friend and I used to take turns diving, while the other acted as the Safety and Salvage Officer. I’d have a rope tied to my waist, and a tow-sack with a rope tied to it with me. I’d fill the sack with balls, then tug on the rope, and he would pull the bag in. If I got in trouble (which never happened, luckily), I would give three quick tugs, he would dive in and rescue me. Then, we’d switch positions (so that niether of us got too tired), and he would go down with the bag.

    At age 13-16, we both made enough money to have to pay Income Tax. We’d each clear around $200.00 a week, plus all the other neat stuff we’d find in the process, like lost fishing equipment, etc…

    I never worked for anybody until I was drafted in the Marines in the late 1960s. I always made more money working for myself. I still do.

    Life is an adventure….Enjoy it!

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