How to choose the right set of golf clubs?

I am 17 and am interested in golf, but I need a set of clubs first. What factors do I need to consider in choosing a set? And what kind do you suggest?


4 Responses to “How to choose the right set of golf clubs?”
  1. Maddy Rules says:

    pink beddazzled
    for a guy blue bedazzled

  2. hotshotja2 says:

    1. make sure it is made for you dominat hand (they are sold in left or right)
    2. maybe do some research and find a trustworthy company.
    3. most sport shops have a place to try them out.

  3. Derek D says:

    A basic set of golf clubs is all any golfer needs to start playing the game. Three woods, a collection of 3-9-irons, pitching wedge, sand wedge and a putter, are all that is required. As your game develops and you improve, certain additional, more specific clubs can be added to suit your abilities.
    To start there’s only one rule to remember: You can’t carry more than 14 clubs in your bag at any one time.
    As a beginner , your first clubs maybe not expensive , just fit for you well and that will be Okay .You can get a search at some online stores such as golfsmith , .Ebay is all right ,too .

  4. Ωmega says:

    Ignore the other answers, best thing to do is get lessons with a pro at a coarse near you and he should pick out the best set for you.

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