How to remove ink stains off a white golf shirt?

I got a little ink stain from a liquid ink pen on my white golf shirt and am wondering if anyone knows any good techniques to remove the stains. I tried rubbing alcohol, but it didnt seem to make a difference..Any ideas? Any would be appreciated, thanks.


4 Responses to “How to remove ink stains off a white golf shirt?”
  1. Butterfly Lover says:

    Saturate the stain with milk then launder as usual. Check the stain is gone before you put the shirt in the dryer.

  2. (:♥TayLee♥:) says:

    Try some rubbing alcohol…

  3. Emilio says:

    * We have believers amongst us~;-)
    Try the following, it really works without using harsh solvents –

    * Dip the stained area in a glass of milk (e.g blue ink).
    The ‘blue’ ink will run into the milk turning it blue. You will need to replace with fresh milk when the solution becomes dark blue. Then wash as normal in warm water.
    It worked great for my friend’s white Lab Coat!!

    Good luck!

  4. samdugan says:

    Since its white, when you wash it, spray in OxiClean.

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