I am hosting a golf outing. Other than the normal contests, what other games or ideas are there?

We want to do something other than the traditional golf contests. We are looking for something funny or weird.


4 Responses to “I am hosting a golf outing. Other than the normal contests, what other games or ideas are there?”
  1. thelau says:

    I’m guessing that it’s an informal affair and everybody’s just out there to have a laugh and enjoy each other’s company. So you can do the opposite of the normal contests, like worst drive (a slice to the other fairway would constitute as such), dumbest putt (putting across the greens to the fringe or rough), or a “participant” award for the last place player.

  2. webned says:

    Crazy eights. The teams are made up of 8 players. Each can take only 1 club and no 2 players can play with the same club, i.e. one member and only one member of the team can select a 3 iron etc. The teams then determine an order for the team members to hit. This order is used throughout the round. The player who follows the player who holes out, tees off on the next hole with the club he has selected. A player can only use whatever club he has selected to play, regardless of where the ball lies.

  3. EvolutionofGolf.com says:

    You could play a shamble. Each player hits their drive. They select the best drive (like a scramble). Then they each play their own ball from the best drive (1st shots) position. It makes it fun but each player still gets to play a pretty normal round as well.

    Other ideas are a Nassau. You could play lets say $5.00 a head (. Teams or no teams not a big deal. Person/team with the lowest score on the front 9 wins $5 from each other person/team. Same with the back 9, but then the kicker is who scored the best overall.

    So if Player A won the front, Back, and over all he is getting $15 from each person. If they won the front and overall he would net $5 from each person.

    Skins is never bad either.

    I have quite a few others via the PGA.

    Contact me if you want.

  4. JustCurious says:

    Host competitions like:

    – the ugliest golf outfit contest.

    – the most decorative golf ball.

    – the goofiest golf hat.

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