I need a golf related phrase to put on a birthday cake?

I am having a golf cake designed for my husbands 30th birthday,. It will have a green, hole and flag on it and I need to think of something funny to write. Any suggestions?

I have a few but not really too keen
“30 strokes to get here”
“30- almost the same as your handicap”
“30- the only time you will be under par”

Anyway, I need it to be quite short and punchy and be related to the age of 30.

Any ideas would be great?


13 Responses to “I need a golf related phrase to put on a birthday cake?”
  1. JR says:

    I like the “Thirty strokes to get here” That one sounds good!

  2. Just Me says:

    You’re 30…too bad your scorecard isn’t. The handicap one is cool i think. but it’s your cake. good luck.

    “Act your scorecard…shoot your age”

    instead of the act your age not your shoe size phrase. Maybe he’ll get a kick out of it

  3. Ellis J says:

    Lol try theese

    Yeah! Hole in 30! your best score?

    30 strokes, almost going pro.

    30 balls 30 Misses

    30.. your age and your distance from the tee

  4. Jim Round CH Robinson says:

    How about “go for the green honey”

  5. x-15a2 says:

    I’ll tell you, the first 2 are pretty good, I think that he’d get a kick out of either of those.

    Or, “How about a Mulligan on being 29?”

  6. Paul C says:

    How about: –

    A little birdie told me your 30

  7. griller says:

    30 and no more mulligans

  8. al s says:

    If he has a favorite golf movie, look at movie quotes and find a memorable movie quote for him. Good luck.

  9. jimmyhillisapoof says:

    30 years of searching bushes.

  10. Pat B says:

    Happy Birdie now your Thirty.
    I Golf, Therfore I am not Here
    Golf is a four letter word.

    Good Luck.

  11. Ron S says:

    you play 30 rounds of golf a year, but your handicap is still 30

  12. googie says:

    Thirty ? Now play the 2nd hole.

  13. frannybeach93 says:

    “Three bad shots and one good one make par.” – Walter Hagen

    I hope I helped

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